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Meet + Learn + Share = Give & Grow


Our vision is to meet IT professionals within our Local IT community for learning, sharing, community outreach, leadership and professional growth. We are a 501c4 Non-Profit entity, and donate a significant portion of our sponsorship dollars to local Charlotte charities.


As our profession in technology becomes more immersive and the speed of change increases, our lives both personally and professionally require a commitment to lifelong education and networking. We offer numerous ways to connect, from our peer leadership breakfast meetings, to yearly outings, and other evening networking and educational events. Our Purpose is to facilitate various opportunities to Meet Learn and Share.



We all want to make the world a better place. What better way than with the connections and collective efforts of our colleagues and organizations. Through our involvement and experience together we can raise awareness and resources to provide for those in need. Through mentorships, scholarships and assisting organizations like E2D to help eliminate the digital divide, together our organization can make a real difference.


Personal and professional growth is not only what you know, but it's how you communicate and who you do it with. Join like-minded individuals to walk this journey together. To help increase our relationships, evolve in our careers, and grow our professional and personal lives, LKNITP & CLTITP can provide the opportunity to meet new people, learn, share, and together give back to our community. These experiences can guarantee our collective and true prosperity!


Charlotte IT Professionals
2025 Board of Directors

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